There are several ways - below is one common setup.
Assuming you know language, text search setup can be easy. Below is an example for english-russian text collection.
postgres=# create table inttext ( lang regconfig, doc text); CREATE TABLE Time: 760.216 ms postgres=# insert into inttext values('russian','голубые дали'); INSERT 0 1 Time: 365.939 ms postgres=# insert into inttext values('english','hazy distance'); INSERT 0 1 Time: 363.096 ms postgres=# select to_tsvector(lang,doc) from inttext; to_tsvector ---------------------- 'голуб':1 'дал':2 'distanc':2 'hazi':1 (2 rows)
Of course, instead of built-in text search configurations you can use your very own.
Another alternatives are: